Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Teenage Stress Management (part 2 of 2)

The fact is that teenage girls are more affected or prone to stress than boys. Teenage girls tends to seek help from others for help with their stress while boys  respond to stress by dealing with it alone and refuse help from others or by engaging themselves in activities that would help them focus on things other than the stressor.

The family members and friends are usually both the cause and support for teens. Without proper guidance, teenagers use healthy and unhealthy ways to cope with their stress.

Tackling Teenage Stress

Teenage stress can be handled both inside and outside of house. The first step in tackling teenage stress is to identify what caused their stress. The notion that there is no earthly reason for teenage stress should be avoided.

The teens should be allows to talk freely about their problems and they should be supported. Older people around them should help and teach the teens by teaching them stress relief methods and setting realistic goals for them in both curricular and extra curricular activities.

Parents or teachers must ask the teenager to define stress taking an example of an incident and ask them for their natural response to that stressful event. Advice about normal stress response and ways of tackling stress must be explained to the teens. Teach them that different stress can have different responses to different persons. Also, advise the teens to avoid unhealthy methods of relieving stress like aggression, alcohol or drug use.

During the time that a teenager feel stressed, full support must be given by the people around them. Teenagers, like children and some adults, are not ready to face major problems by themselves.

Teenage Stress Management (part 1 of 2)

Stress can affect anyone from children to adults. In between this age gap are the adolescents or teenagers. The cause of teenage stress is different from adult stress but the symptoms remain the same. Due to the difference of teen stress from adult stress, a different approach in tackling their stress is important.

The total population consists of an estimation of 20% teens. Yet teens are sometimes that neglected group of the population. Teenage or adolescent is the intermediate group between dependent childhood to independent adulthood and this transition is never easy. The teenage group is very vulnerable to physical and emotional stress.

Their stress may come from everywhere around them from their families, peers to their education. They may be compelled to follow the footsteps of an elder sibling to avoid comparison from their parents, or teens can be stressed from determining their role and image to the society.

Molding And Stress

The teenage or adolescent stage of life can cause major changes both in the physical and mental aspect of a person. These changes are significant in molding and shaping a person.

Physical changes in a person during adolescence include; increase in weight and height, change in voice, the development of secondary sexual characteristics, and for girls the menarche or the beginning of menstruation. On the other hand mental changes may involve; attraction towards the opposite sex, the feeling of independence, aggressiveness, experimentation.

All of these changes can cause stress to teenagers. It was surveyed that one third of teenagers undergo at least one episode of stress every week. The stress factor or stressors are different for teens and it may be due to; puberty, peer pressure, school demands, safety issues within the community, family responsibilities, negative feelings or thoughts, divorce or separation of parents, holidays, financial problems, or a death of a loved one.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Importance of Timely and Valuable Asset Management Solutions (part 2 of 2)

The central role of asset management systems

These solutions, or otherwise termed as asset management services, all serve to assist organizations in identifying the assets that they possess and effectively calculate the value that they are able to provide for the company. Presently, these solutions are available in software form, and are available from a host of asset management services providers.

These services are geared towards the effective organization of various asset types, from production and facilities to transportation and human resources. Both the hardware and software resources must be given due importance, seeing that information technology within the company also needs due focus. These management tools also aim to analyze the depreciation trends of fixed assets so as to help industry managers in valuable decision making.

Physical assets need to be estimated according to its depreciation value, and to arrive at a conclusion whether to reinstate or repair the physical asset, whichever is more cost-effective.

What to look for in the best asset management services

There are wide ranging asset management systems offered by vendors presently. It is important therefore to find the one model well-suited to the needs of your company or organization. Asset management can be narrowed down to specific types like investment management, IT asset management, digital asset management, and fixed assets management.

A good asset management system should be able to enhance assets return and minimize costs of operation and maintenance, as well as calculate risk. It should also promote labor efficiency and increase output efficiency. It must also provide information on how to effectively track hardware and software assets and to evaluate their functions both in the short-term and long-term sense.

The realm of business has become more competitive than ever, and with this knowledge, organizations need to keep pace with global competition and shifts in technology through timely and valuable asset management solutions.

The Importance of Timely and Valuable Asset Management Solutions (part 1 of 2)

The need for effective and efficient asset management has given way to a range of asset management solutions. The assets of a company all play significant roles in the achievement of corporate goals, and therefore must be utilized and managed optimally. Asset management in the modern age has become all the more critical, seeing that technological and information changes have shifted the way industry managers and company leaders make vital decisions.

The core of industry asset management

Any organization or industry is held together by assets, both tangible and intangible. The assets of a business can range from the simple, like a piece of furniture, to the more complex and expensive, as in a transport system. The company personnel or human resources can be counted as assets as well.

Intangible assets can include copyrights and patents, as well the digital systems and information circulating within the business and across units. In asset management, the assets of an industry must be made to function optimally and to be maintained in such a manner that decreases costs and maximizes value.

When assets become mismanaged, the industry could suffer seriously. From the equipment to the personnel, the assets and resources of the business must be optimized for better productivity and value. In any organization, knowing the depreciation and the value of fixed assets is important, just as understanding how the work flow systems can be best applied by the employees or the organization personnel.

Simply put, assets should be viewed as profit sources, and it is important for any industry to be able to tap into the money-making potentials of assets. Managers should be able to identify assets from liabilities so as to improve on capital.

Friday, October 16, 2015

How to Create Beautiful Embroidery Greeting Cards (part 2 of 2)

Simple Steps in Making your Embroidery Greeting Cards

a.) Tape the design you’ve chosen on the blank greeting card.

b.) Following the drawings on the design, punch holes on the card.

c.) Now, there will be holes which will be your pattern in stitching. Follow the holes as you stitch. Use different stitches depending on the design. Remember not to knot the end of the thread, just tape it at the back of the paper.

d.) When you’re through stitching all the designs, you can paste decorative papers at the back of the card as it would be messy.

Embroidery on Paper is Different!

One important thing that you have to keep in mind is that paper embroidery is different from that done on fabric; although the concepts are mostly similar. On paper, you have to punch the holes where you will do the stitching. And you have to do it carefully if you want your designs to be perfect. At most embroidery shops, you can buy special tools which you can use to punch holes on your paper for stitching.

There will also be lots of patterns available for this kind of embroidery craft. But you have to keep in mind that because you are designing a greeting card (which is slightly small); you have to look for a design which best fit the card. You also need to consider the occasion when you intend to send the card when finding patterns and designs.

Whether you are going to make a Christmas card, Valentine’s card, birthday card or anniversary card, embroidery greeting cards are the best one to make. You can make a personalized design.

You have done it with great efforts which your love ones will surely appreciate. Best of all, the materials you need are all cheaper.

How to Create Beautiful Embroidery Greeting Cards (part 1 of 2)

Have you ever heard about embroidery greeting cards? Perhaps, not yet. Most of us have been so into hand and machine embroidery which uses clothes that we don’t know much about embroidery on paper or greeting cards. But, don’t you think it’s much fun to design your greeting cards using embroidery especially if you love embroidery? It sure will be. After all, if it’s your first time to do it, you’d be glad at how this can be a great way to express your love and feelings to your love ones through the personalized greeting cards.

The good thing about embroidering greeting cards is that you can combine your love of embroidery to paper crafts. And did you know that there are, surprisingly, plenty of designs for stitching your cards? And most of all, they are free.

How Get Designs for your Greeting Cards

• Cut out any designs you’d like from your old magazines and books. You’ll surely find great designs for card such as Christmas ornaments or trees for Christmas, hearts for Valentines, cakes for birthdays, etc.

• You can also download and print an image from the internet. Make sure to get simple designs if you’re new to this.

• You can also use old embroidery patterns

Where Do You Get Patterns and Designs?

• Old magazines and books which you can freely cut-out.
• Embroidery shops
• The internet

So, now you have your pattern or design, you can prepare the materials that you will need. You should prepare your blank card, pin for punching holes, needles, threads, tapes, scissors, glue sticks and some decorative papers.