Friday, October 16, 2015

How to Create Beautiful Embroidery Greeting Cards (part 2 of 2)

Simple Steps in Making your Embroidery Greeting Cards

a.) Tape the design you’ve chosen on the blank greeting card.

b.) Following the drawings on the design, punch holes on the card.

c.) Now, there will be holes which will be your pattern in stitching. Follow the holes as you stitch. Use different stitches depending on the design. Remember not to knot the end of the thread, just tape it at the back of the paper.

d.) When you’re through stitching all the designs, you can paste decorative papers at the back of the card as it would be messy.

Embroidery on Paper is Different!

One important thing that you have to keep in mind is that paper embroidery is different from that done on fabric; although the concepts are mostly similar. On paper, you have to punch the holes where you will do the stitching. And you have to do it carefully if you want your designs to be perfect. At most embroidery shops, you can buy special tools which you can use to punch holes on your paper for stitching.

There will also be lots of patterns available for this kind of embroidery craft. But you have to keep in mind that because you are designing a greeting card (which is slightly small); you have to look for a design which best fit the card. You also need to consider the occasion when you intend to send the card when finding patterns and designs.

Whether you are going to make a Christmas card, Valentine’s card, birthday card or anniversary card, embroidery greeting cards are the best one to make. You can make a personalized design.

You have done it with great efforts which your love ones will surely appreciate. Best of all, the materials you need are all cheaper.


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